Study of the range of materials for winter sportswear

  • Yulia О. Kobernik

    Varvara V. Getmantseva. The Kosygin State University of Russia (Technology, Design, Art). Moscow. Russia

  • Getmantseva V.V.

    Varvara V. Getmantseva The Kosygin State University of Russia (Technology, Design, Art). Moscow. Russia


The article analyses materials used in the production of winter sportswear in order to systematize the assortment of materials according to their functional importance; variants of trimming and coating of raincoat materials are considered; different types of membrane fabrics with different coatings are analyzed; their main characteristics, which can be used in the process of formulating recommendations on the selection of a material for designing a winter range of sportswear for different functional purposes, are outlined. Objective: to analyze the existing options for applied treatments and coatings in raincoats to fill the database for the selection of a package of materials for winter sportswear. Methods: we used methods of analysis of secondary sources of information,
method of systematization of the identified data, comparative and descriptive method. Results: during the analysis different treatments and impregnations of raincoat materials were considered; options for modifying and enhancing their properties, by finishing and coating were identified; three types of
membrane fabrics, their features and purpose were considered. Scientific novelty: the article analyzes that will be used in the development of the database on the properties and quality indicators of raincoat materials. The use of data arrays in the development of new models of products will reduce
the time spent on the selection of material. Practical significance: the obtained information is systematized and presented in the form of elements of the second level of the database, where the originnal information is the nomenclature of the protective functions of the product.
Keywords: materials, sportswear, sportswear requirements, membrane fabrics, impregnation, finishing